That's all I could say.
I'm gonna be honest with you, I'm not really good with Blogs and stuff like that... Especially Its kind of too legit for me, you know?
Yes, you may laugh as hard as you can but yeah, I've made this blog since like what,
October 2010? and I was REALLY blind about everything. I dont even know how to make a post, or even verifying my account!! lol yeah, I was THAT dumb.
BUT, but but but but, yeah. Since my friend Carmen has been blabbering about her blog this past of weeks, I started to think.. 'If she can, why cant I?' so I called my cousin-
(yes, my freaking YOUNGER COUSIN.) in the middle of a cold, terrifying night (HA-HA, drama queen ALERT.), just to ask him about blogging stuff.
Then you guessed it, he helped me. WITH EVERYTHING. making my blog looks fancy, editing a post and yada yada.. Well it was helpful tho. What I hate is the fact that he was laughing his ass off whilst teaching me how to use it. I know, I know, I'm an Internet dummy-dummy-head freak. There, I said it!
But anyway, yeah he helped me through everything, and the next thing I know, is that I, Conchita Caroline, has finally understand how to use (BOOYAH BITCHES!!) *crowd cheered* xD
Am I happy? FUCK YEAH.
Its not as hard as I thought, tho. Sure, it was kind of complicated but still,
which also means, it was actually easy as fuck. SO YEAH, It was just ME being all paranoid and ST00PID.
But anyway, who cares, right? I'm here, blogging and looking so incredibly awesome (lol), clicking here and there. MWUAHAHA.
You guys probably wondering what the actual meaning of this so-called post of mine, right?
well, yeah first of all.............................. I actually write this to thank my cousin.
(you better read this one, cock-face! I wont say it twice. NOT TO YOU :P)
and second of all, I guess I'm just.. uh..
....................... well, to hell with the second one, I'm just so happy I finally have my own blog, so yeah. I wrote a friggin post. like.. you know? What's the big deal???? HUUUHHH?? *smug face*
Lol. Okay that was kind of random. But anyway, I gotta go. I havent shower since.... whatever, so yeah,
See you next time!! :D
PS: Next post will be coming FASSSSST and I promise you it'll be much much MUUCCCCHHH fun-ner than this one. (is that even a word?)

OH! and I'm listening to Chelsea Smile by Bring Me The Horizon while writing this.
ANDDDDDDD *drum roll please*
Woop-dee-doo!! All hail my awesome Aunt and her connection!! lol
then again,
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